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第十七届中国会展经济国际合作论坛在福州举行 专访上海新国际博览中心总经理迈克尔

2022-01-12 18:23:39 来源:海峡网

本网讯 1月12日,由中国国际贸易促进委员会(CCPIT)、国际展览业协会(UFI)、国际展览与项目协会(IAEE)、独立组展商协会(SISO)、国际大会及会议协会(ICCA)共同主办的第十七届中国会展经济国际合作论坛(CEFCO2022)在福州市中庚喜来登酒店拉开帷幕。

中国会展经济国际合作论坛是全球范围内最具影响力的会展论坛之一,本届合作论坛以 “新格局、新使命、新发展”为主题,聚焦新形势下会展行业的发展与进化。













Q:In the past two years, the number ofcases of cross-border operation in the exhibition industry has increasedsignificantly, and the differentiated competition of leading enterprises isalso intensifying. Will the exhibition industry in the future place moreemphasis on the ability to integrate upstream and downstream resources?

MK: Our industry is continuously lookingfor new topics and business fields to launch new event and expos. Thus Ibelieve we will definitely see an increasing number of activities and playerstrying to enter this.

Also the world is getting smaller in termsof connectivity and not only cross-border but also cross-industry and last butno least cross-events. This means that we will not only see exibitons but alsoconferences, events, concert and festivals between different industrieshappening. SO the variety of events will increase and that is definitely a goodsign.

Q:Under the global epidemic situation, inShanghai, Chengdu and other places, the digitalization trend of the exhibitionindustry is accelerating, and the overall integration of exhibition, conferenceand business digitalization has become a trend. Will this form a new round ofreshuffle for the industry?

MK: I don’t think so. The mainreason is that any investment in such technology is too expensive at the momentand by the time it may be more affordable the pandemic will hopefully be over.

Keep in mind that we are till living in the21st century and people need and love the human touch, that means face to face.

Maybe 100 years from now when roboter or AIwill take over then the whole picture will change but of course lets hope thatthis will never happen.

So I predict an increase in digitalelements in all kind of events but for large expos and b2b exhibitions thispart will be max 10-20pct

Q:The exhibition industry chain has beengreatly impacted since 2020. Many regions have also launched new forms and newtools for the industry such as online exhibitions. What industry innovations doyou think are worthy of recognition in recent years?

MK: being a venue I of course have watchedthe development very closely and so far I have not seen any format which wouldconvince me. Surely there are some nice online expos where you can chat andmeet and greet people and professional partners. But as I said before, the keyproblems are a) the profit model for such online expo which does not exist. SOfar I believe most of the players lose money and b) there are no online exposbut rather online platforms which not necessarily have to be open just for 3-4days. So in this case the operator of such platform may even have to open theplatform for 1 year. If there will be more and more online expos which are openthat long, then it will lead to a big chaos amongst the potential exhibitors,and attendees.

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